From 21st to 25th April (Live & Online) Deadline 5th April
Venue: De Paule Band Club, Paola
Categories & Programmes:
- Solo Singing - Ladies -
PreCategory Up to 17 years old candidates
Aria (any period & any style) and Art Song
I Category 18 - 21 years old candidates
Aria (any period & any style) and Art Song
II Category 22 - 25 years old candidates
Aria (any period & any style) and Art Song
III Category 26 - 32 years old candidates
Aria (any period & any style) and Art Song
- Solo Singing - Gentlemen -
PreCategory Up to 19 years old candidates
Aria (any period & any style) and Art Song
I Category 20 - 23 years old candidates
Aria (any period & any style) and Art Song
II Category 24 - 27 years old candidates
Aria (any period & any style) and Art Song
III Category 28 - 35 years old candidates
Aria (any period & any style) and Art Song
Laureate* Prize - PreCat & I Category -
- free participation at
Malta International Music Competition 2026
Laureate Prize - II Category -
- free participation at Masterclass 2026 (Organised by MPA)
Laureate Prize - III Category -
- Recital at Malta Piano Academy Concert Season 2026
First Prize - from 95 to 99,99 points
Second Prize - from 90 to 94,99 points
Third Prize - from 85 to 89,99 points
Certificate of participation - less than 85 points
Award for the most successful professor
PreCat & I Category:
The number of prizes is unlimited.
II Category:
- 3 First Prizes
- 4 Second Prizes
- 5 Third Prizes
III Category:
- 1 First Prize
- 2 Second Prizes
- 3 Third Prizes
Laureate* Prize - Participant with 100 Points
Click here to download Application form for Solo Singing - Ladies
Click here to download Application form for Solo Singing - Gentlemen
Documents required with this application:
Proof of age:
Birth certificate, Passport or ID card; high resolution portrait photo and proof of payment.
Applicants under the age of 18 the signature of a parent/guardian is required.
Please submit your application with documents required to:
For Online Competition:
Please make sure that you send your performance as one YouTube link only
The video can not be older than 6 months.
Please note that the video can not be edited in any way
Please read our terms & conditions