Jason Camilleri ABRSM Dip LTCL- Trumpet– Gozo. Jason is a professional trumpet player – he started lessons at the age of 8 with Mnarja band.And after 4 years he continued studying under Charels Mizzi .He continued studying with 2 great brass band musician’s from UK. Andre and Shirley Helleur. As A soloist Jason had performed here in Malta and abroad with great muscians. He also form part of an ensemble called Abbey brass from UK and leader of Island Brass Quintet In 2008 Jason started working with AFM BAND MALTA as a full time Trumpeter. He is also an extra trumpet player with Malta Philharmonic Orchestra.He Studied with Prof Mark O’Keefe – Brendan Ball- Prof Reinhardt Fredrich- Prof
Kristian Steentrup.Paul Thomas- among others during masterclasses abroad. In 2016 he was appointed band master with Ghaqda Muzikali Vizittazjoni of Gharb.
Jason is also studying baroque trumpet and he is a member of VIBE Orchestra .